How To Plan For Your Next Level

Getting to the next level begins with a decision. Where are you relative to where you want to be? What do you need to do? All the blessing in your life has already been given to you but the next level requires a new level of work because God is going to bless the work of your hands and not the amen of your mouth.

Listen now as Bishop Feb teaches on how to plan for your next level with practical steps you can start applying today.

This message was recorded At The Emergence Leadership Conference 2017 with Bishop Feb Idahosa. Bishop Faith Emmanuel Benson Idahosa II, popularly known as Bishop FEB, a prominent man of God, exceptional professional and reputable entrepreneur who leads an exemplary life worth being reckoned with serves as the presiding Bishop of the headquarter branch of Church of God Mission International, overseeing the spiritual affairs of the church and the branches under it. He is the President of Benson Idahosa University, the President of Big Ben’s Children Hospital, Vice President of Faith Mediplex group of hospitals, Vice President of All Nations for Christ Bible Institute Intl, Vice President of the Archbishop Idahosa Foundation and Idahosa World Outreach.

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