What's The Plan?

2018 is going to be a great year for you. It's shaping up to be the best one yet...
Listen now as Pastor Obi teaches on how to plan successfully for a great year using Zacchaeus who executed a plan to see Jesus that ultimately led to him meeting Jesus in person, having a conversation with Jesus, hosting Jesus in his house, and above all receiving salvation into his home!

4 Top Tips For Planning For An Amazing Year

1. Start the year by identifying personal goals and objectives for the year. Your objectives must be SMART (specific, measurable, actionable/achievable, realistic/relevant, & timebound). This provides you with a clear challenge for which you need to identify key actions. You can review progress half way through the process to determine if you need to revisit your action plan.

2. Identify any key challenges or obstacles to achieving your goals and put measures in place to overcome them

3. Be very much aware of your key strengths. The number one strength of the believer is faith in the Word of God because it’s the victory that overcomes the world and its challenges (1 John 5:4)

4. Pursue your action plan, measure progress, and re-evaluate your options.

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